1. The Socrates Forum is a Q&A feature of the Socrates@SaddleBrooke (S@S) website that enables Club Members to ask questions and start discussions about the material on the site, and search for answers by circulating the questions among others who are Club Members. Any of the members may answer and discuss these questions in a respectful manner. Those who respond should have meaningful knowledge of the subject and the desire to share it. This is not the place express opinions without knowledge.
2. You understand that what you say is being viewed by the general public.
3. S@S has the right to make any content you post available to the general public.
4. S@S has the right to edit or delete your content from public display and is not responsible for what others might do with it.
5. You are responsible to make sure your content violates no intellectual property or the personal rights of others.
6. When using and distributing S@S materials, you are to acknowledge that it comes from, and attribute it to, Socrates@SaddleBrooke as the source.
7. You must be a Club Member to participate in the Socrates Forum and we reserve the right to terminate your membership for any reason and refund any current fee.
8. We do not warrant the accuracy of any of the information posted on the S@S website and disclaim any and all liability for any content posted by a user or third party, and how you choose to use the information.
9. We have no obligation to delete any content from the website that your find objectionable.
10. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of S@S you agree to stop using the website and make a best-efforts attempt to settle any dispute through good faith discussion. If that proves insufficient, you agree to follow the dispute resolution rules established by the American Arbitration Association.
11. We may modify this Agreement and republish it at any time.