Next Socrates Forum, Tuesday March 4 at the DesertView Theater, 4:00-5:30pm: Is Artificial Intelligence Leading Us to Utopia or Extinction?
What is the AI Revolution and where is it going? Will humans and machines eventually merge?
Next Socrates Forum, Tuesday March 4 at the DesertView Theater, 4:00-5:30pm: Is Artificial Intelligence Leading Us to Utopia or Extinction?
What is the AI Revolution and where is it going? Will humans and machines eventually merge ?
The purpose of Socrates@SaddleBrooke is to explore the Big Questions of life regarding origin, destiny and life’s meaning by examining the scientific evidence, alongside classical philosophy and theology, and following the path of discovery wherever it may lead.
Where did I come from?
Am I the result of impersonal unguided forces of nature, or a special creation of God?
Where Am I Going?
When I die does my life end at the grave, or do I have a soul that goes on to eternal life?
Objections to the God Hypothesis
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If God exists and is infinitely powerful and good, why is there so much evil and suffering in the world?
If natural laws have been scientifically proven, how can there be miracles? Aren’t miracles violations of Natural Law?
#3: HEAVEN (Jan 2025)
Isn’t heaven just superficial wish fulfillment? Shouldn’t we be more focused on solving our challenges here in this world?
#4: MORALITY (Feb 2025)
Aren’t ethics and morals simply what we decide they should be for our current time and place? There are no absolutes – right?
#5: UTOPIA (March)
Aren’t we making evolutionary progress toward “heaven” here on earth? Why would we need a God?
#6: RELIGION (April)
Don’t all religions teach basically a similar message of salvation from this world? Don’t all religious beliefs eventually lead to the same God?
The previous series addressed our Primary Question
Has Science Rediscovered a Creator?
Unexpected scientific evidence of the last 50 years reveals origin and destiny
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Our Host and President
Dr. Stuart Orr
Stu has graduate degrees in science (systems engineering and operations research, University of Pennsylvania, with an undergraduate degree in physics from Drexel Institute of Technology); as well as law and theology, earning an honorary doctorate (LL.D) from Trinity Law School. His vocational career included being CEO of Advanced Business Software and president of Simon Greenleaf University. He has taught and lectured on science and religion in California, Colorado, and Arizona. Stu’s educational approach is to use the Socratic method to question and think deeply about Big Questions so that one can draw their own conclusions.
Science and Theology Advisor
Dr. John Bloom
John A. Bloom (PhD in Physics, Cornell University; PhD in Ancient Near East Studies, Annenberg Research Institute) is emeritus professor of physics and former chair of the chemistry, physics, and engineering department at Biola University. He is the founder and director of Biola’s “Master of Arts in Science and Religion” degree program and the author of a number of published articles as well as the book, The Natural Sciences: A Student’s Guide.
Dr. Bloom says, “I’ve found Stu’s work to be engaging, up-to-date, accurate, and accessible to a layperson. He is great at giving you the other half of the story that you will not hear from the media or our culture leaders today. Most importantly, he makes you think!” (September 2023)
One frequent attender, Rita Fletcher, summarizes, “Stu provokes you to examine what you think you know. With his comfortable demeanor, laced with humor, he challenges you be bold and smart about eternal matters. An epiphany is sure to follow! Take advantage of his in-person and video presentations.” (September 2024)
Our Location
DesertView Performing Arts Theater, SaddleBrooke, Arizona
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