Objections to the God Hypothesis
A six-part series addressing the most commonly held objections to the Intelligent Design of the universe
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OCTOBER “EVIL” If God exists and is so infinitely powerful and good, why is there so much evil and suffering in the world?
NOVEMBER “MIRACLES” If natural laws have been scientifically proven, how can there be miracles? Aren’t miracles violations of Natural Law?
JANUARY “HEAVEN” Isn’t heaven just superstitious wish fulfillment? Shouldn’t we be more focused on solving our challenges here in this world?
FEBRUARY “MORALITY” Aren’t ethics and morals simply what we decide they should be for our current time and place? There are no absolutes – right?
MARCH “UTOPIA” Aren’t we making evolutionary progress toward “heaven” here on Earth? Why would we need a God?
APRIL “RELIGION” Don’t all religions teach basically a similar message of salvation from this world? Don’t all religious beliefs eventually lead to the same God?
Look for emails announcing the details of our exciting new season which begins October 10 at the DesertView Performing Arts Theater. Make sure you are registered below to receive the notifications.
Thursday, October 10, 4:00-5:30pm
DesertView Performing Arts Theater
39900 Clubhouse Drive., SaddleBrooke, Arizona 85739
For More Information: Dick Hardy, rhardy1234@aol.com. (440) 773-1065
The entire series will be posted on the VIDEOCASTS page shortly after the live presentation which is accessible through the main menu above.